girls i met online
as it turns out, there are a lot of naked girls online
These are digital collage. The process is identical (well, almost) to how I make my sculptures. I take found objects, body parts, and re-arrange them to my delight. The sculptures are assembled with porcelain doll parts I find online. These are screen shots of girley bits that I print and re-arrange to my delight. It is so much fun. A big pile of gorgeous arms, legs, faces, boobs and bellies. There are two ways I do this. You can get the originals, which are the 6 - 10 pieces of paper glued to the foam core base. Or I scan the completed image, photoshop the edges and blend the seams, then print these. The originals are one of a kind, the reworked ones are not. All are attached to black foamcore, 1/4” thick, and sawed out by hand with a jewelers saw.